AITA for threatening to break up with my girlfriend for spending $1600 on a video game
I (24 m) am considering breaking up with my (21 f) girlfriend over her spending a ridiculous amount of money on a video game. We met in university, she was a freshman and I was senior, we’ve been together since and we’ve recently moved in an apartment. We live in a pretty big town, and I’m currently starting a new job in a corporate environment. I’m making more than minimum wage and we aren’t living paycheck to paychecks. However some months I don’t have anything to put in saving if there was an extra expense ex.: birthdays, car issues, etc.
She on the other hand works a part time job, so I am the head of income. I don’t mind this, as she is still in university, however it is a problem when she spends $1600 on a fucking video game. In the past, whenever she spent money on the game it would not be more then $300 and that money would come from her tips. However, this time it was an overstep. I know that it’s her money, but I feel like a lot of the time I end up paying for dinner, groceries or paying more then half on rent. I just want her to be more considerate with her spending as I would like to build a future with her.
Edit : The game is Genshin Impact (sorry for not adding this initially)