If the NBA introduced a "LeBron James _____ of the year" award, what accolade would be most fitting?

Was talking to my fiance today about how some awards have started getting named after players like the ECF/WCF being named after bird and magic, and she asked me what award I'd put lebrons name on.

Personally, I'd give him the LeBron James Most Efficient Player of the Year award, which would calculate the impact of a player based on how many points they score, but also what their shot percentages were to get that.

Example: if Kyrie had a 54/48/90 split on 21pts average, and say Haliburton had 48/39/80 on 28 pts, the award would go to Kyrie since his shots were more impact full everytime he took them.

I felt like that's a fitting award to honor his consistency in his longevity, but I'm sure there's other categories that would make sense as well.