Extremely callous comments from DB about homelessness

A few days ago DB and I were talking as he made himself lunch, he asked me how my weekend was. I was over at my mom’s house this past weekend and there is an older couple who are down on their luck who live down the street from my mom. The past few weeks the wife has been locking the husband out of the house during the day and telling him not to come home until he makes some money, and he’s been going door to door asking to do yard work and getting really upset and aggressive if you turn him down. He came and asked to rake our leaves when I was at my mom’s house and I said no and he gave me a hard time and I was just venting to DB about how it annoyed me.

Then DB said “I really have no empathy for homeless people anymore because two years ago I rolled down my window asked a homeless man on the side of the road if he needed something to eat and he said yes so I gave him a box of granola bars I had just bought and as I started driving away he started picking them up and throwing the bars up and down the street. Now I feel like I’m done trying to help them and they made their choices and I made mine.”

I felt so, so disgusted. My affluent as fuck DB talking about how he doesn’t care that some people literally sleep on the street because someone threw his granola bars once. I’m sure everyone who became homeless out of aging out of the foster care system would love to explain to him how they never made any “choices” to land in that reality. I have been looking at him differently the past few days, I feel like what he said was just so callous and ignorant and I can’t believe people actually think that way and that I work for one.