Help, I’m starting to look like I’ve aged 10 years overnight.

I’m 28 years old and out of nowhere my skin just looks dry, dull, and my eye bags look heavier and darker. I’ve been sleeping, eating, and drinking the same amount of water as before (although I could definitely be drinking more). My pores on my cheeks have always been bigger but now my pores all over my forehead are so much more visible than before.

My usual skin type is combo oily but lately it’s either been that or super dry, no in between.

Here is my current routine: - morning: cerave cream to foam cleanser, medicube toner pad (new addition as of a few weeks ago so wondering if this could be the culprit), and the cerave tinted 35 SPF moisturizer)

  • night: tretinoin 3 nights a week, cerave moisturizing cream

I’m looking to get my glowy skin back, it just feels so lifeless and dull and old. Any recommendations for under eye hydration would be welcome as well, everything else I’ve used either doesn’t feel hydrating or it just sits on top of my skin and doesn’t soak in.

I’m willing to completely overhaul my routine!