Good anti Fried Liver?
So, I am getting pelted with fried livers 1100 chesscom level.
The problem is I used to play the traxler and it worked till here but now,
e4 e5, Nc3 Nf6, Bc4 Nf6, Ng5 Bc5, Nxf7 Bxf2+ and now people are not taking the bishop and instead sliding to Kf1.
This is a pretty bitter position and I am really having trouble here. After saving the queen obviously and knight taking, The computer wants to bring the bishop back and go on from there and the position is +1.5 for white and any wrong move means a mate pattern opens up for the opponent.
So, clearly the traxler is not good. What should I do?
So, I am just adding the edit just in case someone else stumbles upon this thread later.
A) I was wrong in saying that the position is around +1.5 after Kf1. The position is actually 0.00. I used the post game analysis feature and that engine is very weak.
B) So, the main line after Kf1, saving the queen and Nxh8 is d5. if black takes with bishop, Bg4 traps the queen
if black takes with pawn, we take Nd4 and threaten to play Bg4 again. The only ways forward are pushing the pawn and basically letting the bishop go and playing non castled the whole game. There are lots of ways to mess up for white. You can explore the ways through a strong engine.
C) There are also other anti liver setups like Anti Fried Liver is a good one, Polerio Defense are the good alternatives. (Polerio does seem to be more popular)