Unpaid test for a small studio

Hello !

I'm a junior 3D artist that graduated from a master a few months ago and struggling to find a job (To put a bit of context) and I'm starting to seriously lose hope of finding anything. But today I received an answer from a really small studio based in Singapore and in order to get my chance, I have to take 2 tests, both of them lasting 2 days each (so almost 32h hours of work).Of course it's not paid, and they are asking me to send both the UE Project and the different FBXs for both test. So I'm quite puzzeled, because I know that I shouldn't ask for much as a junior 3D Artist and that I should take what I'm given considering how hard it is to find a job rn, but still, asking for the project, the FBX, the test not being paid etc.. What should I do ? I don't want to be picky because I can't, but It still feels a bit much.

I hope that's the appropriate place to post this and thank you in advance for helping me.

Edit* : I took the time to read all of your answers even if I did not respond to all of them. I want to thank you all again for taking your time to explain things to me in such a nice way. I can see that paid test or un-paid test Is a question that can be quite dividing haha. I will first ask the studio if they do not see any problem in me using the test in my portolio and will proceed accordingly

Edit²: I think I should have make my post a bit more clear as a lot of you misunderstood what I found strange. Doing tests in order to get a job is an Industry standard, and i'm totally fine with it. It's just that i've already done a few test, and for example one for a big studio (almost AAA), and they only asked me for a 8h test (really intense 8 hours but still), and they never asked me for all the FBX and such, only screenshots. That's why doing 4 days of test for a small studio with absolutly no project was a bit strange for me and a bit too much. Still want to say that I read all your answers, and I think I will take the weekend to think about what I should do.