To the mod who made this bot: I salute you
Favourite VR Games Made for Sitting Down?
Delusional people.
What other options were there?
Police in Montreal, Quebec refused to assist and protect the assault of Rebel News reporter Alexandra Lavoie, covering the Pro-Hamas encampment.
Interesting clip from the old joe
Joe Rogan on Vaccines in 2020. Guy did a total 180 in 4 years.
if this is achieved, we are doomed
Why artists are becoming less scared of AI?
Conservatives win longtime Liberal stronghold Toronto-St. Paul in shock byelection result
I see you, Joe! Dirty ol' man
Social media should have warning labels like those on cigarettes
AI manipulating Justin Timberlake's mugshot
POC lady is a hero
Small guy subdues a big and aggressive man with Judo
Paige VanZant prepares for her debut in the dumbest “combat” sport
How far are we realistically from a Ready Player One scenario?
in love with this beauty 💗
They removed "Remain Connected in Drive"
When will this shit end? And people actually falling for it.
Blowing up 15 empty condos at once due to abandoned housing development
Wife used dog mode while she ran into Whole Foods. Came back to find this angry note…
Real reason Men go to the Gym
Dude is sick after throwing up that much
Dating apps nowadays