Hosting Heatran. Will add back immediately. Starting soon. Join up for raid. 315643255486
Hosting Heatran. Join up. Will add immediately 315643255486
Hosting Heatran. Join up 315643255486 will add immediately. Will start once there’s a minimum of 3 of us
Heatran on me 315643255486
Mega Pinsir on me 315643255486
Mega Pinsir 315643255486
5975 9259 0741 WB Heatran on me!
Heatran raid WB sunny weather blue gym code- 184029869663
Tapu Koko 315643255486
Add me weather boost 722125545382
477250666327 weather boosted!!!
Raid, need 5 people 572993757629
Mega Lucario raid (shiny hunting) Have 4 people added join quick 077507179080
Moltres 131219062513
Articuno 426772281658
Need Friends in Pokémon GO