What is the song used in the background of this novalis edit? might be a remix
The goat and rivaldo
What is this song playing in the background of the Bojan edit?
What is the song playing in the background? Not the talking
The Hard Pack - Meet (Draft of a cancelled remaster)
Give this a name/genre
How is my team?
The most ridiculous one yet
Maradona and header in the same sentence💔
Brainrot poem I made.
How to have fun in this game again?
I a m selling my team for free I a m sick of this game
Have 100m coins
Akanji the spy
Can’t rank up Llorente
Who is better?
Spanish? to English
[Unknown > English] What does this note say?
Pack luck😎
What is this? Randomly popped up on my pc
Who is the best cam for 70 million for 41212 wide?
A truly beautiful touch.
Volley Trivela☠️
Who is better for 41212 wide?