It's all I'm seeing
This for the arc vid, who do ya NOT want in the arc??
Balance patches
Second time l coping apparently lol
Happy 2 Years of SMG4: Its Gotta Be Perfect! heres silly billy smg4
CNN projects Dark Cacao beating Shadow Milk this afternoon
Is there anyway to get extra dice? I'm stuck waiting on 1 a day saving up for the skin. I'm worried I'm gonna barely miss out.
Which Pokémon is your ‘Ace’? The Pikachu to your Ash? Here’s mine
Police captain meggy on her duty
My first 30+ crystal jam!!
I thought he was popular whyy 😭
Everyone is overreacting when zera had buffs lol
Shadow milk cookie rn because he is losing to dark cocao in the creme de la creme contest:
Man.. I know this was pretty balanced. But they can't do iron head dirty like that..
Assault Break Part 2 Patch Notes (19th of March)
Wedding cookie appreciation post
Splatoon 2 servers dead in Europe?
This shield is really ridiculous
In my opinion, Meggy shouldn't get involved or be apart of Karen's Arc
Can we all agree this sucks lol
How the hell did he win?!
What is a mechanic in the game that you don't like? (Events excluded)
Ya'll is buying Splatoon worth it without online?
What the hell is happening