I wish men weren't always expected to be the pursuers in romantic relationships.
How did Halanna obtain Andaliez?
What continent do you play on?
Is it true that some of the areas marked in green on the dynmap are squatter claims?
Political Discourse from 2020-2024
Who do you think the 2028 Democratic nominee will be?
A few of the subreddits I am on
This has got to be a new record
When your computer shuts down in the middle of a game
Would you want to not date a woman who is strong enough to lift you?
Political compass of theoretical subreddits I hallucinated.
Centrists setting everyone straight
War in the Middle East resumes, PCM more worried about Teslas being vandalized
I wish it was easier for me to think of places to go so I can get out of my house and not be stuck there
Were aspects of Beepeck's culture preserved when Beepeck dissolved? Or was it's culture completely destroyed?
A problem with the Abexilas Dynmap
What is currently the most powerful nation on Talasi? What about Halinn? Caerus? Iristoya? Cathramis? Norvinia? Tanragh? Kejafros? Rozakko'ra?
A critique of polygamy
Oh oujia, who shall be the next victim of the oujia board?
You dare bring _____ to my lair!? You must DIE!
2 ________s one cup
Henry Kissinger won last round. Now, who was the worst famous lib-right person?
Language is a libertarian paradise
Natural vs Induced circlejerks (rest in piss rule 4)