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ELI5: why does my nose get runny when I ride a bicycle?
How and when should I (26M) communicate how I feel in a situationship with 34F?
Not sure how and when to communicate how I (26M) feel in a situationship with 34F
Not sure how and when to communicate how I feel
Folgensuche: Jens-Phipsi Kitzler redet über Probleme
I paid for gas in Texas yesterday. Joe Biden did this.
ITAP of an Aquarium
ELi5 What stops companies’ “terms of service” from completely taking advantage of us?
Who do you think is more important to society: rich entrepreneurs or ordinary workers?
What should I sell?
Dear redditors who started dating their best friend: How did it end up?
Referentin der Geschäftsführung ändert Mail vor Weiterleitung wegen Genderns
ELI5: What’s dust?
Arms = female? [socialmedia]
Was passiert wenn ich Öko-Strom kaufe?
ELI5: What does yeast do in a dough?
What is this mysterious wooden object?
An old wooden thing consisting of two parts, movable to each other. The top part has some kind of vertical fork to perhaps hold something. The bottom part has corners decoratively shaped as horses
Mysterious wooden object, one part is movable
Was ist eurer Meinung nach der beste film, den netflix je produziert bzw. veröffentlicht hat?
Dear US-Americans, what do you think your country does better than most European countries?
"Grundgesetz 49" am Jakob-Kaiser-Haus: "Letzte Generation" beschmiert Gedenkstätte im Regierungsviertel
Warum haben so viele Menschen als Stasi-Spitzel gearbeitet?