this is why we need gender affirming care for EVERYONE cissoids included
Hey check my new account
Petition to rename this sub "MTF2"
Im sorry...
confession: i only really see passoids/semipassoids as their sex
I hate feeling like a pervert for my sexuality (ranting on drugs)
2WRW mod's decision to separate from TNO is incomprehensible
Is testosterone more powerful or am I stupid?
Why is visual just posting full on porn with slight censoring now
Going on r/fitttts is a special kind of torture
They suspended my xeeter because I kept saying TCD too much...
Whats your most unrealistic transition goal? Here's mine.
the breastfeeding ftm tf art for those who wanted
Why aren't you you practising your telekinesis, anonettes?
Diaperhons are hecking valid, wombyns do it too ^-^
Im high and I love you all fuck my fat hon life
We need our day of the rope.
as someone with the majority female irl friends, PLS get female friends as mtf it is SO important
CisF """""""""friend""""""""" told me "If I had a penis I would k*ll myself"
"At least the cdu isnt as bad" average cdu versammlung:
Friends I've been on HRT for 4.5 years when do I start looking like an anime girl
The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth.
How do u stop boymoding?