People just don't understand the startle reflex, and it's really upsetting.
is there anyone else that believes they will be alone forever?
I recently bought them, do they look good on me?
After using the Galaxy A55, are you planning to get another Samsung phone, or are you considering trying other options?
I guess there is no way out.
I admit it: All I really want is regular, genuine physical interaction.
As a lonely person, what are your favorite love songs that you enjoy listening to the most?
Does your OCD force you to be the best person in the world?
Worth the upgrade?
Red curls suit me... or should I stick with my natural color?
cherry red or back to dark brown?
What suits me best?
I've been told that my eyebrows didn't come with that colour yesterday
They say it will happen sooner or later. But how do they know
Qual a primeira impressão que eu passo? (P.s hj é meu aniversário, estou sozinha e chorosa)(aceito amizades)
I don't think I’ll ever be able to be in a long-term relationship
Galaxy A55
Help me pick a new hair colour!
Do my glasses look good on me?
"put yourself out there bro"
Stop it...
Which color suits me best?
Let me knoow
Galaxy A55 Review after 8 months of usage
Galaxy A56 Colors