Guys what's better for or king, S1 sunday or s1 tribbie?
As long as it's lighting weakness
Seth build help
via Leifa | Vivian Burnice Astra | Deadly Assault 40365 |
via Leifa | Yanagi Burnice Vivian | Deadly Assault 34942 |
via Leifa | Vivian Jane Astra | Deafly Assault 37503 |
Thoughts on Hugo by Leifa
Looks like if will not be Chasca bis after all
Ifa's Vision Casing (from JP stream)
What they have done to my wife
Jane Doe with Burnice or Vivian? (new character discussion)
Said I’d M6 Pulchra if she ever became playable
Thoughts on Hypercarry Jane?
Managed 2 cycle Nikador with E0 team, Only THerta has E0S1
Team Building Advice/Pulling Suggestions?
Did Acheron Make Powercreep worse?
guys, some advice
It's gotta be Rapi for me personally
Bro 💀💀
My full run for my previous level 0 artis tribbie
I love rngs
New Apoc is Very Sustainless-friendly
Now that's crazy
3.2 Updated Reruns
I hate Crow-*have seg with her*
WHY WON'T YOU DIEE??? (that stupid frog in the event)