Probe not working Ender 3 pro sonic pad

I have a ender 3 pro with the 4.2.2 board. Picked up a sonic pad, set it all up, everything's great until I'm having problems with the probe. I get an error message that says probe failed to deploy followed by "must home before probe". Unable to find where you can deploy or stow on this pad. Can't seem to figure this one out any help is appreciated 👍🏻

I have a ender 3 pro with the 4.2.2 board. Picked up a sonic pad, set it all up, everything's great until I'm having problems with the probe. I get an error message that says probe failed to deploy followed by "must home before probe". Unable to find where you can deploy or stow on this pad. Can't seem to figure this one out any help is appreciated 👍🏻