ESP-WROOM-32 module in the KiCAD library doesn't match the modules that I have in my hands.
I am looking to make a custom PCB that will connect to my ESP-WROOM-32 module. But when I inserted the ESP-WROOM-32 in KiCAD' schematic editor, the layout doesn't show the correct pin layout. It doesn't even show the 3.3v output. It shows gnd and 5v input being at the very ends of the board. But the actual module does have a 3.3v output and the 5v input and GND are next to each other on one side of the module.
When I switch over to the PCB editor, it looks even more different.
Where can I get the correct symbol?
5PCS ESP32 Type C Development Board ESP32S Type-C USB WiFi + Bluetooth ESP-WROOM-32 CH340C 2.4GHz Dual Core WiFi NodeMCU Processor Microcontroller ESP32-DevKitC-32
I am looking to make a custom PCB that will connect to my ESP-WROOM-32 module. But when I inserted the ESP-WROOM-32 in KiCAD' schematic editor, the layout doesn't show the correct pin layout. It doesn't even show the 3.3v output. It shows gnd and 5v input being at the very ends of the board. But the actual module does have a 3.3v output and the 5v input and GND are next to each other on one side of the module.
When I switch over to the PCB editor, it looks even more different.
Where can I get the correct symbol?
5PCS ESP32 Type C Development Board ESP32S Type-C USB WiFi + Bluetooth ESP-WROOM-32 CH340C 2.4GHz Dual Core WiFi NodeMCU Processor Microcontroller ESP32-DevKitC-32