NSFW va without a private space 🫣
Hi all! This is not my main account but I am a new NSFW voice actress. I’ve posted some script fills on GWA which have done really well! I would really like to continue this as a hobby.
But I have a problem.
I was only able to start recording because my flatmates went on holiday and I had the whole place to myself. Now, though, they’re back, and I’m unsure how best to continue. I don’t want to scar their ears!
I don’t have a car that I can record in, but I do have a little walk in closet in my room, and an ensuite. Could either of these be fully soundproofed so that no sound escapes??
I’ve also looked into renting office space to record in, or even moving out, but accommodation is expensive and difficult to find in my city 😓
Does anyone else have experience with this problem?