Did Pilate actually assume office in 18/19 A.D?

Hello all, I've been looking over the chronology of the new testament when i learned of a debate that Pilate may have actually ruled in 18/19-28 A.D rather than the traditionally accepted 26-36 A.D. Craig Evans is a supporter of this redating saying "D. R. Schwartz ("Pontius Pilate," ABD 5:395-401) has argued compellingly that Pilate's term in office began in 19 CE, not 25 or 26, as is usually supposed"

Steve Mason is another scholar who is sympathetic to this saying ""We also have enough independent and multiform evidence, it seems to me, to declare it more probable that he (Pilate) took up office in 18 than in the accepted year, 26 C. E.". This would make it more probable to date Jesus death and Paul's conversion earlier than the traditional chronology so just curious for other people's thoughts.

Just wondering how seriously this is taken by scholars generally speaking and if this there are any major issues with this theory.