What does Paul mean when he says Christ "Through whom all things are"? Is that similar to the logos in John?
So what is the final verdict on Kung Fu Panda 4's impact on the franchise?
What are the strongest arguments against the emerging view that Marcion’s Gospel predates the Gospel attributed to Luke, and in favor of the Lukan Gospel being the original (perhaps without the first two chapters and other minor later additions)?
So what is the opinion on Zhen?
What scholars today agree with William Wrede's thesis on the Messianic Secret?
Did Paul really believe that Jesus is God or Son of God?
Would Paul have approved of the Pastoral Epistles?
Does the New Testament really prove Jesus was claiming to be god or did he just have the authority?
How popular is Q-skepticism among scholars? And what would be the implications if Q didn't exist?
What's the best books/articles arguing that belief in Jesus as the Messiah and Apocalypticism came only after Jesus died.
Did Pilate actually assume office in 18/19 A.D?
Why would Paul mention "Burial" in 1 Corinthians 15:4 if an empty tomb is not implied?
Weekly Open Discussion Thread
Studying Mark
Could historians make the argument the apocalypse Jesus spoke about did come?
Hello, I am a Muslim American studying the New Testament for the first time. What is the preferred translation/version of the Bible for historical-critical/secular/atheist scholars?
From the historical-critical perspective, is the traditional Christian narrative unlikely?
What would you most wanna see in a potential KP5?
What do we know about Peter and Paul from a historical standpoint
How do NT academics explain The story of Jesus and the Syro-phoenician woman in gMark?
Did Jesus establish the Eucharist?
What is hard evidence, if any, that the Gospels were written after the destruction of the temple?
What was St. Paul's Christology?
Why would the authors of the Gospels keep the prophecy of the destruction of the Temple if not every stone was "torn down"?
Question about why Mark has apostles fail to recognize Jesus properly.