Weight / Size ratio for Freestyle drone
Testing my hdzero build 😅
65mm O4 Air Unit?
HDZero freestyle V2 terrible range
How damaged is too damaged
Hit by transformer ground
I want to learn how to code on arduino
I MADE A DISTANCE SENSOR DEVICE (this is cool for me)
Brushed quad falls out of air when yawing, what could be the cause?
Best clip of the week!
Watch your balance
Ya know some things just weren’t meant to be and that’s okay lol.
Almost fucked it up
Having more fun with my mob8 than my 5" lol
Lmao what went wrong
Motor recommendation for a 1s 75mm Walksnail tinywhoop
I'm going in... hold my beer! . Got my disposable drone ready for tornado pics as it comes my way.
Blending virtual flight with reality
Rate my soldering skills
Finished upgrading my radio, time to try some long range
Back Alley Whoop Sesh Ends Getting Run Over By Car
Not asking for advice, just gonna send it
Meteor75 Pro indoors
In an FPV WhatsApp group someone sells this charger. I am thnking about buying it, but is it ok to buy used chargers and does the dirt hurt it? What do you guys think?
Mobula 6 vtx power settings not working.