For a while I've been trying to squeeze out every last ounce of power from the ESP32S3 powering this board, driving the sound, display and midi turned out to be quite a challenge, but seems like all the last bits are functioning properly :)
Messing around with midi-in on MothSynth, a tiny opensource synth / sampler.
A bit of midi-in jamming on MothSynth... everything seems functional
This is a MothSynth, an ESP32S3 / PCM5102 based sampler / dev audio board with real-time effects and opensource software preloaded.
Deep Bass Overdrive! Lets GOOO!
A bit of smooth flow on this tiny sampler.
Midi clock sync on new hardware.
Felt like trying out some chill house vibes.
Old school DnB on MothSynth-OLED, our dirt cheap opensource tracker / sampler / synth. Board info, opensource software and schematics in comments!
Our ESP32S3 based sampler / synth / audio dev board, 4 channel polyphony, real-time effects, opensource software and Arduino IDE compatibility. Details in comments!
tuned fuzz feedback
Another take on a chill house / trance track, I kind of like this version.
Kind of digging this house / trance track I knocked out yesterday.
Felt like trying out some chill House vibes, kind of dig it
Watery vibes on MothSynth, our 4 channel opensource Arduino compatible synth / sampler, assembled board info in comments!
Going slow today on our tiny sampler / synth, details in comments!
Huge software update and sale ($14.99) for our ESP32S3 based synth/sampler dev board! Details in comments!
A bit of NeuroFunk on MothSynth, our 4 channel esp32s3 based sampler / synth. Huge sale on our tiny classic model, only $14.99, board info, software and schematics in comments
Some Neruo-2-Step on MothSynth-OLED, our tiny ESP32-S3/PCM5102a based sampler. Device options, opensource software and schematics in comments.
Some Tingly 2-Step on MothSynth-OLED, a tiny ESP32-S3/PCM5102a based sampler. Device details in comments.
Some wobbly bits for ya rusty knobs!
Latest revision of our ESP32-S3/PCM5102a based sampler board with 3 open IO ports + GND / VCC (standard header spacing). Default Arduino software supports 4 channel polyphony, 7 real time effects, and more. Details and pricing in comments.
Mystery electro jam on MothSynth-OLED, a 4 channer sampler / synth, board details in comments!