Should i get it on steam?
Tomato is thrown at republican congresswoman, Alexandra Macedo in California.
What exactly am i meant to do in this situation
Which game do you spend the most time on?
Are you talking to your kids about everything happening in the US?
Is my manager being racist?
What's the historical event you wish you could've witnessed?
If not nazi, why nazi shaped?
i think this guy totally nailed it
What was the 1st game you remember playing on a desktop computer?
5 year old has an obsession, and i don’t know if im supposed to do anything about it?
A "Renew Europe" official poster
Trump actually said that it was Ukraine that started the war
Is Virtual Desktop Essential for PcVr?
Why does there seem to be a rise in anti-intellectualism?
I'm getting kinda tired..
The Trump card: What could US abandonment of Europe look like?
Ubisoft stocks have reached have dropped 84.85% in the last 5 years.
Games with satisfying but not incredibly challenging melee combat?
You don't have to excuse to anyone for enjoying a game.
Elon Musk laughs off accusations that he is orchestrating a coup
Game awards host say "F+ck Elon" and "F+ck Trump" to resounding applause and cheers.
Game Awards Hosts Shout “F** Donald Trump” and “F*** Elon Musk” Live—Crowd Reacts with Mixed Cheers and Boos
Censoring some conservative comments Reddit discourages important conversations we should all be having
I wanted to upgrade my pc to fully utilize (PC)VR, but is that really worth it anymore? I saw a couple of posts about pcvr dying, but i can really feel it myself now.