Avoid Infitac at all costs - FMP13 Disaster
Avoid Infictacusa.com (thermal manufacture) at all costs - See experience below.
In search of a Star Fox N64 cardboard Arwing display
I just bought the fast mini FMP13 what’s a good Picatinny Rail Mount for it
What modern car should I buy if I wanted to drive it "until the wheels fall off."
What are your thoughts on Guru lands?
God of War or God of Inflation?
Cousins got this as a gift. Is it legit or repro?
Stocking Stuffer [Giveaway] Weltool T1 Pro Tac
12 years ago today, police escort scared children after the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting
A gold mine of old games
go crazy
Item Lost in Transit
Thermal clip on w/ 1x - Anything better than the RH25 V2 for the price?
[US-NY] [H] Angrio Mio Relic 80 [W] PayPal
Buyer wants to return expensive and heavy item nearly a month after they received it
PS5/PS5 Pro 30th Anniversary Scalpers Mass Reported to eBay and It's Working - Honestly I'm down to do it.
Need I say anything
Nomad Helmet Giveaway
Just got harassed and threatened to get shot today 🙃
Reliability upgrade - AR10 16" buffer question
Unlimited Ancestral Recall, worth grading?
Let’s play wheel of fortune! Who can guess the missing letter?